One of the trends most visible worldwide is that newspapers have increased premium-placed ad sales by affixing heatset ovens to their presslines, however attendant high costs and environmental restrictions have prevented all but a handful of printers from taking advantage of the technology.
In the recent years, however, innovations in ultraviolet-light-based systems have offered many of the same benefits found in heatset print, but with less red tape and for a fraction of the cost.
Ultraviolet technology allows presses to print on newsprint and up to 70-pound offset stock, and use stcok as varied as LWC to super calendered. “There is a lot of interest in the industry about this process.” That interest is sparked by the ability UV gives newspapers to print advertising and editorial content on glossy and other higher-quality stocks for about 20 percent of heatset’s costs. Plus, UV technology can be installed at most production sites for a modest capital outlay because it is not bound by the EPA regulations (in US and other environmental restrictions elsewhere) that govern heatset emissions.
Ultraviolet technology allows presses to print on newsprint and up to 70-pound offset stock, and use stcok as varied as LWC to super calendered. “There is a lot of interest in the industry about this process.” That interest is sparked by the ability UV gives newspapers to print advertising and editorial content on glossy and other higher-quality stocks for about 20 percent of heatset’s costs. Plus, UV technology can be installed at most production sites for a modest capital outlay because it is not bound by the EPA regulations (in US and other environmental restrictions elsewhere) that govern heatset emissions.
Much of the difference between the two printing methods derives from heatset’s use of a natural gas-fueled oven to evaporate water and solvents out of the ink, creating gases that must be burned in another furnace- hence the higher costs and stricter environmental controls.
UV Systems, such as the 40-plus units sold by Prime UV since 2003, use a pair of UV lamps to cure the front and back an offset web after printing, transforming the special UV ink form a liquid to a solid. Though UV ink costs more than standard newspaper inks, UV consumables are typically one-tenth the price of those used for heatset.
UV Systems, such as the 40-plus units sold by Prime UV since 2003, use a pair of UV lamps to cure the front and back an offset web after printing, transforming the special UV ink form a liquid to a solid. Though UV ink costs more than standard newspaper inks, UV consumables are typically one-tenth the price of those used for heatset.
Watch this space for more interesting articles on UV drying process for coldset printers....!
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